Friday, August 11, 2023

Truth Lost in Divisive Acrimony

Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Society has become a discordant cult of petulant grievance mongers. Deviancy is normalized and sanctioned, while normalcy is considered deviant. Lawful citizens are relegated and superseded for illegal immigrants, unrepentant criminal offenders prioritized over helpless victims. Compliance to this status quo is unconditionally mandatory, any dissent perceived as specious heresy by an aggrieved class that perpetuates the endless cycle through lies and manipulation. The situation is maddening to the point of insanity in a progressively self-inflicted, if not deliberate, cultural suicide.

Those in power, even the most benevolently intended, always have ruled by feeding off anxiety and fear - especially those who tout doing so in order to preserve and save a way of life. Whether either from benign or catastrophic forces, circumstances often will present the scenario ripe for exploitation by duplicitous individuals and groups to whom it can, and will, opportunely benefit. All of these efforts supposedly are meant not only to rescue civilization from itself, but most especially from ourselves. This faction are the alarmist mongers, whose main purpose is to incite and exhort the aforementioned grievance mongers and other blocs.

A culpable mainstream media that is not objective in its reporting serves only to exasperate the problem. Self-serving “journalists,” i.e. propaganda mongers, conspicuously regurgitate narratives that supposedly corroborate questionable news stories rather than investigate them to their impartial conclusion. These are the new mythmakers. Ancient civilizations created mythologies to describe and understand the world in which they were born; maybe those myths were true, maybe they were only stories told with no basis. Either way, they created the necessary effect in their own time: power over and control of the masses coerced to believe in them by those who interpreted and relayed their meaning.

One might predict, if not hope, there exists a sensible majority of voters who have grown weary of this frustrating state of affairs. The question being is this in itself simply based on contending grievances, fears or propaganda? Or is it legitimately a disquieting actuality brought about by the combined three? As T.S. Eliot noted, though, “humankind cannot bear very much reality.” While curiosity may well be fatal to inquisitive felines, apathy regarding the grander scheme behind both domestic and world events nevertheless is, and will be, equally destructive. As such, humanity must restore truthfulness in spite of its more acrimonious inclinations.

©2023 Steve Sagarra