Fetal Parts, the Dismal Sequel (Washington Times)
‘Medical Research’ Can't Whitewash Baby Body Parts Atrocities (The Federalist)
Planned Parenthood Harvests Body Parts from Butchered Babies (American Center for Law and Justice)
How can any sane person not be sickened and shocked by the chillingly garish admissions of Planned Parenthood personnel concerning their fetal organ harvesting program? Especially, female medical staff who so callously describe - seemingly without an ounce of motherly instinct or remorse - the mechanisms and procedures for harvesting fetal organs like that of a detached technician as if working on inanimate equipment. Frankly, killing babies to sell their organs is scientifically unethical, goes against any reason given latest medical breakthroughs and, simply put, is inhuman behavior for civilized society. Admittedly, it is obviously beyond my own ethics, reason and values to understand how anyone who supports ethical science, reasoned inquiry and humanistic values cannot be disturbed by actions that go against all of those principles.
As Lila Rose, president of pro-life group Live Action, stated, echoing the sentiment of Edmund Burke, “Silence in the face of such atrocity is complicity.” We thought humanity had learned that lesson with the downfall of the Nazi regime and their depraved experimentation on children and adults alike. Apparently, we were wrong. In the end, it increasingly seems to depend on the life whether “all lives matter,” or if it is more arbitrary than we, as a civilized society, care to admit. After all, we have already seen what happens when mob mentality dictates that idea.
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